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About POCSO :

Importance Of

Children are the future of our country. They are physically and emotionally fragile and easily manipulated. This is the sole basis for the widespread sexual assault directed toward them. POCSO applies to all places where children are engaged, including educational institutions where pupils are under the age of 18.

POCSO Act includes, among other things, Offences, Punishments, and Case Investigation and Trial Processes.

Days’ Workshop

Who Can Attend This Program?

  • # MBA Students or Graduates
  • # Non-HR Personnel In Top Administration
  • # Business Leaders And Startup Owners
  • # HR Professionals With Varying Levels Of #Experience And Across Niches
  • Corporate Trainers, Freelance Trainers, Teachers, Professors, etc.
  • # School Teachers,
  • # Principals,
  • # Trustee
  • # School Staff
  • # People who are associated with children
  • # Parents
  • # Tuition Teachers
  • # Volunteer
  • # Anyone who want child to be safe

Why the Awareness Program?

Unfortunately, the number of reported cases is steadily growing. One of the primary causes of these difficulties is a lack of understanding of the law and its repercussions. As a result, we require a sufficient number of subject-matter experts among our trainers and school personnel. This is why we are organizing a two-day (train the trainer) program to prepare participants to conduct training at educational institutions on their own.

Our ultimate goal is to Prevent the offenses

Prevention is always preferable to remediation. Even if the criminal is punished, the victim kid will live with the stigma for the rest of her/his life. According to studies, children who were sexually harassed as youngsters are more likely to become sexually aggressive adults. Prevention occurs when we raise awareness among students, faculty, instructors, parents, and all others involved in the business of dealing with children.

Contents of the Workshop

  • Sensitization to kid safety and security; why and how to do it?

Child Rights under the Indian Constitution; Role of Stakeholders – Parents, Principals, Teachers, Police, Court, Doctors, NGOs, Trainers, and so on.

  • What exactly is the law? How is the law being carried out?

The provisions of the POCSO Act and their compliances; the method of handling complaints; and other connected laws: Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act of 2015 Commission for the Protection of Child Rights Act of 2005 Psychological aspects; how to deal with a child who has been sexually assaulted; how to deal with the youngster? Case studies and debates on the role of psychologists and counselors. 

Workshop Overview:

  • The POCSO TTT (Train the Trainer) program is designed to empower professionals and educators with the knowledge and skills to effectively address and prevent child sexual abuse. This workshop provides a comprehensive understanding of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and equips participants with the tools to educate others on this critical subject.

Contents Highlight:

1. Introduction to the POCSO Act
• Understanding the legislative framework
• Historical context and significance
2. Key Concepts and Definitions
•  Defining child sexual abuse
• Historical context and significance
3. Recognising Signs and Indicators
•  Defining child sexual abuse
• Historical context and significance
4. Legal Procedures and Reporting
• Step-by-step guide on reporting incidents
• Role of law enforcement and child protection agencies
• Responsibilities of the reporting party
5. Supporting Victims
• Trauma-informed approaches
• Psychological impact on victims
• Access to counselling and rehabilitation services
6. Prevention Strategies
• Developing child protection policies
• Promoting safe environments for children
• Community engagement and awareness campaigns
7. Working with Children
• Effective communication and age-appropriate education
• Building trust and encouraging disclosure
• Supporting child resilience and well-being
8. Legal and Ethical Considerations
• Confidentiality and privacy
• Mandatory reporting obligations
• Ethical dilemmas in child protection work
9. Role-Play and Case Studies
• Practical exercises to enhance training skills
• Analyzing real-life scenarios and responses
10. Training and Education Strategies
• Curriculum development for schools and institutions
• conducting workshops and awareness programmes.
• Conducting workshops and awareness programmes
11. Resources and Materials
• Access to relevant literature, guides, and materials
• Online resources and support networks
• Collaborative opportunities with NGOs and agencies
12. Certification and Assessment
• Evaluation of participants’ understanding and skills
• Awarding of the POCSO TTT Programme Certificate
13. Networking and Collaboration
• Building a network of professionals and educators in the field
• Collaboration opportunities for research and advocacy

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